学生姓名 Y同学
文案及部门 美国高端文案部
顾问/规划师及部门 季永杰-金吉列上海
申请类型 博士
教育经历 08/2016-05/2020 Purue University Chemistry (ACS) GPA 3.43/4.0
语言/标化考试成绩 免托福,GRE 317+3.5
工作经历 无
实习经历 Synfuels China Technology Co., Lt. Trainee Beijing, China
• Visite the laboratory of the R&D epartment an learne about the instruments in this lab an other epartments, such as Uv-vis spec, AFM an Raman spec, as well as their self-evelope Multi-Analysis Probes System
• Learne why an how the instruments were use in the company’s new catalyst evelopment to boost oil prouctivity
• Discusse with the people in charge of each instrument about more etails of the instrument applications, such as the improvements they ha mae, an their current limitations
科研经历 CHM-34201(Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory) Course Design West Lafayette, IN01/06/2020-05/09/2020
• Designe a lab manual to guie other groups of stuents to perform experiments an complete the require four reactions relate to Wilkinson’s catalyst following with the characterization:
o The lab manual inclue sections of statement of purpose, table of reagents, introuction, experimental, ata analysis, an iscussion questions
o Four reactions were the synthesis of RhCl(PPh3)3, conversion of n-heptanal into hexane, absorption of hyrogen, an catalytic hyrogenation of cyclohexene
o Searche the literature for accessible experimental proceures an performe them by han in the lab esign weeks to see where neee moifications; obtaine spectra of proucts for future references
• Offere guiance to stuents in the lab an answere their questions on the iscussion forum in our lab week
3D Metal Alkynyls for Materials: CoIII (MPC) Project West Lafayette, IN
• Prepare lab equipment an experimental materials, such as MPC, Co(MPC)Cl2, mono, an bis Co(MPC) compouns
• Carrie out experiments an recore the experimental proceures an etails
• Utilize roto-vap an performe extraction, recrystallization & column chromatography to separate the proucts
• Operate IR, MS, Uv-vis, an CV to characterize the proucts
• Analyze IR spectra, mass spectra, Uv-vis spectra, an voltammogram of the proucts
• Reporte the outcomes to Professor Ren on group meetings at the en of each semester
• Mash, B. L.; Yang, Y.; Ren, T. Improving Reox Reversibility an Intermetallic Coupling of Co(III) Alkynyls through Tuning of Frontier Orbitals. Organometallics 2020, 39 (10), 2019–2025.
申请结果 院校 专业 结果
University of California, Irvine Chemistry 拒录
Ohio State University Chemistry 录取
Carnegie Mellon University Chemistry 拒录
University of Rochester Chemistry-Inorganic 录取
Virginia Tech Chemistry 录取
University of California, Berkeley Chemistry 拒录
Johns Hopkins University Chemistry 录取
University of California,Santa Barbara Chemistry 拒录
背景分析 学生优势:美本背景,本硕专业相符,GPA不错,有科研经历以及一篇专业论文发表
文书思路 学生有比较明确的研究兴趣,套磁的时候主要联系的也是可持续能源或相关方向的老师。文书主要以他发表论文的那项研究和实习经历为主,通过校内的研究经历展示了学生的专业知识储备、研究能力和论文成果,证明自己具备在化学领域进行深造的理论基础;然后通过校外的实习经历来阐述目前的研究兴趣。由在实习公司研发部门的所见所学引出自己对于先进设备和生产创新的认识,以及在实习过程中遇到的困难和挑战。同时从专业的角度阐述了学生自己对于新的可持续能源方面目前的研究现状和产业化应用的情况,提出自己未来的学术和职业目标。整体结构比较紧凑。
申请总结 学生的美本背景比较占优势,且有本科科研经历,导师在业内有一定知名度,在套磁阶段起到了很大帮助。套磁取得了不少积极的回复,保重了最终的申请结果。
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